1/When leaders are afraid to speak out, you get incidents like the USS John MCAIN, USS FITZGERALD. You get deaths that were avoidable. You get a hollow force equipped with the best weaponry and equipment available.
2/You get manpower debacles that forced good men and women to end their careers, only to realize that the corporate knowledge and manning had been so depleted, that the Navy was required to raise bonuses to keep people in.
3/When leaders are afraid to speak out, you get a Force that isn’t allowed to train in their AO for fear of hurting a dictator’s feelings, and getting nothing in return except an emboldened dictator who fires missles at will.
4/When leaders are afraid to speak, you get men like Gallagher, who dishonored the rank and the service. But worst of all, you lose the trust and confidence of the men and women who comprise the world’s greatest Navy.
5/You lose the trust and confidence of those junior Sailors, those Senior Enlisted Leaders, who have demonstrated that they will do anything to complete the mission. All they need is the knowledge that someone has their backs.
6/I had the privilege of serving in this Navy. A Navy that I no longer recognize. A Navy that this administration doesn’t feel rates a competent, full time, Secretary, or Flag officers that aren’t afraid to exercise their authority to speak truth to power.
7/I don’t know Captain Cozier, never had the privilege. But watching his crew’s reaction as he left the ship tells me what I need to know. His crew respected and trusted him. He’s going to be okay. He has nuclear power training, he’s a pilot, and his breadth of knowledge is vast.
8/What won’t be okay is the bad taste left behind. Those Sailors will opt to go elsewhere when it’s time to make their decision. People don’t quit jobs-they quit employers and managers.
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