1. Is it any wonder we've had live under the stench of the LPC and this PM for the last 5yrs. If Canada is ever to become a great nation it will have to rid itself of the CRTC and the CBC led MSM. That will never happen while the majority population east of Manitoba choose the https://twitter.com/SirJohn9/status/1246046836227371009
2. government. Sad but Trudeau. That won't change because the govt won't reform itself. The only possible solution is for the western provinces and territories to form their own nation NOW before it's too late. The vast opportunities that new Republic would provide to build a
3. Country based on the best of the British and American systems while eliminating the worst elements should excite and motivate every freedom loving person in the west provinces and territories to finally make this happen. Mark Friesen has started a venue that could provide a
4. great place for brainstorming and bringing all those interested to pull together for the common goal. Search for him I can't provide a link right now. I'll come back to this thread with it later. Mark if you see this tweet please provide link. A fantastic future lies before us
5. IF we can shake off those who've used our resources for only their benefit east of Manitoba and utilize them for ourselves - and any we let in to our new republic. Envision the True Northwest Strong AND FREE!
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