“the only way the GOP can stay in office is by keeping people from voting” Incredible that they’re selling this line — and they are selling it!! voter disenfranchisement has been happening *under* the table for decades, letting it come out into the open is NOT good
there is such a thing as * normalization*, this is it. it is happening
one important thing to understand about this is that you and me are *not* the audience for this message. this message is meant for every government official or judge who’s ever taken actions that in any way restricted the vote
this audience is hundreds to thousands of people. people now being encouraged to continue that work, that whatever moral tinge of guilt they had felt for their actions is excused, it’s ok. they did what had to be done
trump is the pope, making the not ok ok (sorry pope). he forgives you. you did bad things but he has seen and heard it and tells you that it was for the good of the larger Cause — not being voted out
that’s what is going on here. that is “normalization”. you and me, we can scream and cry all we want about it but this message will reach its audience. voter rolls will continue to be purged in back offices.
having a beloved con man run a country is an incredible way to normalize a lot of anti-democratic shit
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