The trumpist declared their hand early before winning the election. They came to deconstruct the state. A play on the conservative/libertarian small/minuscule declawed government theme. They achieved it. It turns out, though, that deconstruct was code for destroy. (1)thread
So now, after the destruction, we see what that actually means when you have a neutered and declawed government try to take on a PANADEMIC. If there was any doubt how it would go this has clearly removed it. It was a farce of an idea from some very selfish takers. (2)
These takers always wanted help from government but not taxation. They’re the FIRST on line now with their hands out. They will take the most from these funds because they’ll be the most connected. Watch them closely. They will walk over our corpses for their lion’s share. (3)
This is an injustice of epic proportions for many reasons like most of these takers have already more, have privileged healthcare & live lavishly but the ugliest reason is that they’re the ones that brought us this sociopathic, murderous,kleptocratic administration. (4)
They’re also the ones defending trump and his murderous horde. And this is certainly, at this time, a mass murder by, at the very least, criminally negligent homicide. Even now he’s dragging his feet. His consigliere, count kushner, admonishing taxpayers. (5)
We will see that the death rate in America rising to ridiculous, third world, under developed healthcare system levels. As the willfully destroyed, understaffed and woefully under equipped healthcare system and federal disaster response melt under the stress of the pandemic. (6)
While it’s melting, Moscow’s, conservative’s, the GOP’s choice to lead the nation is intentionally doing everything in his power to SABOTAGE the PANDEMIC response. Continually throwing a wrench in the works. Refusing to be an assistance to blue states or any1. (7)
He, they will only be satisfied when the sidewalks of New York, a blue state, are piled high with covid-19 casualties. The death rate will rise ghastly percentages as the lack of PPE and ventilators plays out in this macabre ballet, written in Moscow & directed by from DC.
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