If, as a company your data is critical and it requires relationnal databases with no compromises on performances and availability, let's talk about our new offers Enterprises Cloud Databases ! ⬇️
Long story short, the #OVHcloud IS rely on the exactly same technology. The internal DB team made that first for our IS : billing system, our APIs (we have 100 millions calls per day, approx 1150 per second),... and much more. Now we provide it to any customers
We released #PostgreSQL clusters first last year, and Percona-MySQL will follow :)

On the product side, we deliver clusters composed by default of 3 nodes for HA, and you can of course add more replicas for horizontal scaling.
The good part: we use dedicated servers, 1 per node.
Yep, 3 servers just for you, single tenant mode, with local SSD storage.
So, what does it look like in terms of performances ?
Small charts here about some benchs I made.
(I need to find the time and redo my benchs on competitors !)
To sum up : we provide really low latency, and really high transactions per seconds (TPS) scores.

The other good part : we make KISS products : everything is included, such as daily backups, in/out network traffic, logs, metrics, constant perfs, ...
If you are new in the cloud, usually other providers like AWS - RDS will provide IOPS per GB of storage (3 IOPS per GB for ex.) or suggest an overpriced option "constant IOPS". On our side we dedicate the hardware for you.
So, constant and maximum IOPS, all the time.
The last-but-not-least part : we rely on #PostreSQL vanilla version (zero modifications made by us) and open source projects such as #Patroni for HA.
This means that you can migrate to Enterprise Cloud Databases without risks. No lock-in. full ACID compliance, not 99%...
Instead of reading tweets, if you want to try them for real during a 1 month trial, DM me ! I'll be happy to deliver.
Oh ! Since this morning we are happy to announce #PostgreSQL version 12 compatibility \\o/

it was worth a thread :)
and gg to the DB team who's doing that full remote !
You can follow @BastienOvh.
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