Fauci went on TV today & was 100% unaware of positive outcomes coming out of HCQ trials & ongoing treatments w/ COVID-19 patients.

How is it possible that he's not up to date on this stuff? Did he slip up, or is he is entering total negligence territory? https://twitter.com/LucasFoxNews/status/1246064086204416001?s=20
After Fauci spends entire segment dismissing HCQ, it ends in this weird exchange:

Kilmeade: “I should clarify I said Spain, 72% of the doctors in Spain are prescribing it.”

Fauci: “Okay good, well that’s fine.”

Is Fauci not reading the studies? This is dangerous arrogance.
Oof https://twitter.com/beeekdahl/status/1246071943712907265?s=20
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