I am pleased to report that I am rereading the thread about the goon who tried to walk from LA to Florida
I am learning so much about this man
this is me
the first seven pages are just people screaming at Muerte that he WILL die if he does not at least change his planned route- a death march through the Texas panhandle in the middle of summer. he doesn't respond to anybody.
underated detail here, op apparently decided that this was both possible and a good idea based on the advice of a guy named Hobo Nick
Somebody managed to save pictures of Muerte's gear. Tag yourself I'm the tiny shitty front cart wheel that's gonna fucking fly off the second it rolls over exactly one (1) piece of gravel
Here's the revised route, salvaged from the facebook group for op's hike (sadly now set to private). I guess it's "better" in the certain death department but not by much
At this point (page 10 of 78) Muerte is still not responding to his own thread but he seems to have taken at least one piece of advice
no you don't get it I'm raising awareness
OP closed his thread so a mod reopened it and moved it to a subforum where you eat a ban for closing your threads. Also, this is me again
in the absence of any real updates, the goons discuss "suicide by wilderness"
Muerte is absolutely not going to master the harmonica
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