. @99freemind - You inspire me to dig. So, I stop and go on your reports. Still digging, but I thought bringing this (from Event 201) back, is timely👇 - Seems we're in the middle of full-on, real-life simulations.
Feeling like a guinea pig yet? I amđŸ€” @99freemind
So, then I link to something so bizarre😳 Gulp. I'm going to post the 1st pg for (sourcing) & another that, gulp, omg! What does that look like to you! And, C before D? WTH? Shit
@99freemind - Here's the link to the full report: https://arxiv.org/PS_cache/arxiv/pdf/1107/1107.5728v2.pdf
The above report was within this critical post analysis of the Event 201, itself 👉 (link): https://virutron.com/2019-ncov-is-pandemic-event-201-by-bill-gates-and-johns-hopkins-et-al/
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