It’s Friday, end of week 3 of social distancing for us. And I’m going to thread together a few things I’m learning, not because I feel they are solid suggestions but more as a, uh, testimony of sorts. Take it with all the grains of salt.

But first, how are you holding up?
1. I thrive on routine, and week 1 I tried to create THE PLAN OF NEW NORMAL!!! It was decidedly not good or helpful.

I’m now building our habits for this season one habit per week.
Last week it was getting dressed every day. This week, it’s been exercise.
2. Flexibility is crucial.
I want desperately to assign blocks of time devoted to certain things right now, but that’s not where we’re at. Instead, I’m trying to be really clear about what needs to get done on a certain day and do those things first whenever and wherever they fit
3. Log out.
I’ve been logging out of twitter on Saturdays, and this week I’m going to try no screens other than texts. The news is overwhelming, and? It will be there when you get back.
4. Be super direct with your humans.
Whether you’re social distancing with family of origin, with roommates, a spouse or partner, now is a good time to be direct in communication and not stew on feelings. Use “I” statements. Be gracious as possible. People cannot read your mind.
5. The “together apart!” wave is A LOT. You don’t have to be connecting all the time. Even if you’re an extrovert. Full stop.
6. It’s valuable to scan my body of tension multiple times per day, but especially midday and before bed. I’m holding lots of tension in my shoulders, jaw, neck, and in the palms of my hands and bottoms of my feet. Taking time to breathe and relax is essential.
You can follow @mwestramke.
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