I’ve been overthinking a lot, and with stuff coming up about my cats it’s sent my thoughts to a dark place about my ex. It makes me so angry that he has charmed his way into a new life. After everything he did. So many women are friends with him too. I’m left mentally broken.
The one time I did speak out about the emotional abuse I went through, not even mentioning the darker side of things, he threatened to sue me for defamation of character. A female friend of his even defended him. He has always been and will always be a terrible person.
(TW s/h) It’s been over two years now and I’m still haunted by so much of my life with him. If it wasn’t for our cats I might’ve taken my own life, or self harmed far worse than I did at the time. I’m so grateful for them, but it might be time to cut all ties for my own m/health.
Tweeting into the void because I feel like if I don’t publish this somewhere it’ll eat me up inside. Wherever he is, I hope that the people around him don’t fall victim to his manipulation. If any of his friends do see this, please reach out to me and let me tell you my side.
When I first left him I was sent a barrage of disgusting messages and he called me over and over via an unknown number. His harassment lead to me being afraid to leave my home or to be at work. I saw him everywhere for a while and had more panic attacks than I’d ever experienced.
All of this to say, if you know this person and have any respect for me, please cut ties. Knowing me and my anxiety I’ll probably delete this thread before too long. Okay that’s all x
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