Think back to one or two months ago.
If one of your friends came to you then and said that they had received terrible news, that they were at risk of contracting a severe and potentially fatal illness.
The risk was ongoing, endless, and they couldn't see their family or friends in the near future, that they had to remain alone, and in fear of contracting or spreading this illness.
Their job was also at severe risk from this situation, and they were low on cash and struggling to keep up with rent. They couldn't leave the house, or shop normally for food or medicine.
They could not see any friends, or attend AA or regular classes or clubs, and they just had to get through this disruption and change all of their routines and plans indefinitely.
Imagine the absolute love and support you would have had for your pal who'd had this devastating news. Imagine how much you would've supported them and offered to do anything in your power to help them. This is the position we are all in now. We are all that friend.
As kind and gentle and loving you would have been to a friend who received that news, you must also practice that kindness and gentleness with yourself now. It is crucial.
When I have had to support friends through trauma in the past, I've been able to give them my full and clear support. Now, I can't, and I imagine many of us feel we are being pulled in all directions.
For anyone who feels alone or unsupported, please understand that you are the opposite of that. People are distant because they are afraid, and alone also, and when people's hearts and minds catch up with the shock of what's happened, we will all come closer together again.
Be as kind to yourself now as you have been in the past to a sick friend, a grieving friend, a dying friend, a lonely friend. We will get through this with compassion and love and support, and all the resilience we can manage. But above all, with kindness to ourselves.
Be safe x
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