It’s wild that I’ve lived through so many catastrophic events and the current one is both the most boring and the most likely to actually kill me

In a fun/morbid self-reflection here’s a thread of all the times I’ve been in or close to actual mortal danger

(Don’t tell my mom)
Got a truck stuck on a glacier in a severe snowstorm and had less than 6 hours of supplies
The Tohoku quake, tsunami, and fukushima dai-ichi nuclear incident
Car accident (the only injury was me getting punched in the face by the airbag)
Surfing somewhere way outside my skill-level in bad conditions. I was with two buddies and all of us almost drowned to the worst rip current I’ve ever seen
The Shasta/trinity fire
The Tubbs Fire
I screwed up this bar flair trick once and caught myself on fire. (The security cam footage is out there somewhere to taunt me)
Almost got mugged/shanked for my 1DX trying to get a good shot of the Transamerica Pyramid

[no photo for obvious reasons]
Came a little too close for comfort with this guy. I wish I could say this was taken on a telephoto (this is 24mm). This could have gone very differently but we left each other alone and went our separate ways
Got a little too close to a laze plume without PPE (it’s mostly hydrochloric acid and microscopic glass shards)
Tubbs Fire
I’ve had to talk down an officer from g*npoint

(I was filming a short with *very* realistic props and forgot to inform a neighbor. It could have gone sideways but everything was safely de-escalated)
Maybe I should just add to this thread every time I have a brush with my own mortality 🤔
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