So since a lot of people are freaking about this, I thought I'd make a thread. @FUNimation has started influencing anime directly, getting on production committees for shows. Some people think it's over for anime forever & it will be corrupted like Western entertainment.
However, I'd like to offer some hope. First, let's list why people hate Funi:
-Firing Vic Mignogna
-Letting p€d0s work with them up until they were convicted, while Vic was fired without an arrest
-Inserting left-wing politics into dubs
-Allegations of a casting couch
-And region-locking content, ignoring places like Latin America

Some people worry that now that Funi is on produc. committees, this means anime is going to become like comics and video games. There are several factors that suggest this might not be the case.
First, Japanese anime companies value money over politics. From what I've heard, the show Funi was producing didn't do well. If they keep up this track record of failure, then JP companies will eventually stop hiring them.
Expect Funi to be on very thin ice for this, thanks to Corona-chan. It's fucked up just about every country it touches. I wouldn't expect Funi to be in a good spot financially once this is over & due to anime productions being put on hold, JP companies aren't gonna want flops.
And when I say Funi will be on the back foot financially, I mean their parent company, Sony. Big entertainment companies are getting fucked by both their anti-consumer attitudes, and Corona-chan keeping people hone. Disney is barely keeping their head above water.
Western comics are on the verge of collapse, not even the SJWs they pander to like what they're putting out (Snowflake and SafeSpace). Sony has been in need of money for a while. If one of their subsidiaries is dicking around and not turning a profit, expect there to be changes.
Will Funi probably screw up some shows before they either go broke or get the boot? Yes, I won't lie. But everything is temporary, and the collapse of mainstream entertainment due to Corona and their bad practices proves it. While some franchises may get scarred, it won't last.
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