Just Dance stream-of-consciousness style venting about the venting gc bc they aren't in the venting gc and the venting gc makes them feel like venting.

aka serious talk Dani here for a minute. please don't read if you aren't comfortable with it.
about the venting gc. on one hand, i'd like to be able to talk about things and to help everyone feel better if i can. on the other, when someone is talking but i don't feel comfortable replying it makes me feel like a horrible person for not saying anything. (1/9)
i really want to be there for people but it also gets exhausting. sometimes things that are harmful to me come up in the conversations, too. but even when it gets exhausting or harmful i still feel this moral responsibility to try to say something. (2/9)
so i tend to say something anyway and afterwards i feel like sh*t because it was too taxing on me. then i feel bad because feeling bad about helping someone is bad and i am bad and everything is bad and also i feel depressed for the next while which in turn makes me even (3/9)
less capable of talking to other people on the group chat which in turn makes me even more upset with myself.
basically what i'm saying is that if i join the vent chat, i'm not going to always be able to come up with anything to say to try to help you feel better even (4/9)
though i want to help somehow. this whole mentality really leaves me in a lurch and i don't know what to do about it.
i realize this thread is really something that should be said IN the venting gc but i'm not in there (clearly) and i wanted this to be said. (5/9)
i don't know what to do. i want to be able to talk about things that are bothering me and try to comfort others about things bothering them. but it's also really emotionally draining for me and makes me feel guilty when i don't feel like saying anything. (6/9)
do i ask to join the gc or not? there ARE things i need to talk about but song twt also used to be the place where those things don't matter. if you were sad you just sent out some obscure tweet and that was that. what am i supposed to do? (7/9)
writing this, i realize this is not "some obscure tweet" but f*ck i am so tired of feeling responsible for people. if i'm not careful this is gonna turn into more of a rant. i was about to say that personal matters don't belong on the tl but i'm just contradicting myself (8/9)
i'm in too deep to just delete this thread. there's nowhere else for me to say this right now. it's probably barely even coherent. i'm sorry if i upset y'all by talking about how i don't always want to deal with other people's issues. i feel terrible saying it but still. (9/9)
i don't even know what this thread is anymore. i guess i'm out.
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