So what comes after?
I'm very disturbed and worried for the future of our nation, in light of how State and Federal agencies arrogated so much authoritarian control to themselves.
I mean, we haven't heard about any draconian enforcement of stay at home orders, no arrests for keeping a business open that was ordered to close.
Well, not yet, at least.
So far, the worst authoritarian enforcement example we have in the news is someone being held *without bail* for using a firearm for self defense. There are things he could be charged for in the scenario, but being held without bail sends a message: we have no right to defense.
But that's nowhere near the worst authoritarian order example.
Nearly 10 million applied for unemployment over the last 2 weeks.
State governments are deciding which businesses are "essential" and which are not...and that is insane. That's Central Control, which always fails.
And even if it doesn't fail (but it will), it still means that we don't actually have the right to make decisions about our own companies.
I can agree that in an emergency, emergency measures are required.
But in reality, only a few places in the US are in an emergency state.
I can agree that some of the actions are designed to prevent an emergency, and can agree that can be a good idea.
I can agree that we don't have enough data yet to know what a good idea in the face of emergency is.
I can even agree that States have powers to do things that would be horrible violations if done at the Federal level. And that most of the things that scare me *have* been at the State level.
I guess what concerns me most is seeing my first two Socio-Political Laws in action:
Brainfertilizer's 1st Law: Happy People Don't Vote Democrat (so Dems are trying to increase the misery)
and Brainfertilizer's 2nd Law: Everyone is a Socialist about their biggest financial worry.
But I'm an optimist, so...

Let's try to see how this could turn out okay.
First, EVERYONE bought guns.
Guns are one of the most fundamental tools of liberty.
When you want to legally acquire a gun, you run head-on into the teeth of the regulatory complexity. You find out on a visceral basis how invasive the government is in something that should be simple and easy.
I've got a friend who spent several days asking for my help in acquiring a gun.
It didn't do a thing to change his preferences for Democrats and Big Government.
But I don't think he will be a universal example.
Some people will notice, and think, and change.
Second, owning a gun is accepting and embracing that you are the one ultimately responsible for your own well-being and future.
In many people, this may be a subtle realization, but it will work on them like a water wears away rock.
Third, it shows that when push comes to shove, even Big Govt True Believers don't believe that Big Govt is willing or able to protect them.

This is something we can use in arguments. Please do so.
I think the massive gun purchase event will have far-reaching effects that Democrats will have difficulty defusing. If this had happened before Heller, they might have a chance.
But now? I think that train has sailed.
Which brings up my 2nd (and final) major point:

I think people were treating this like an emergency, and so we all went along with things we normally wouldn't.

I think after this is all over, we will review actions.

...and sue.
And this is where we got lucky.
Because the epidemic didn't hit until AFTER McConnell confirmed a buttload of new, conservative, Constitution-restorationist judges.
And I'm sure as we emerge from this emergency, McConnell will get even more confirmed.
And as we sue State governments for ruining our lives, taking our livelihoods, unfairly, incorrectly, or even corruptly deciding which businesses were non-essential and which workers were non-essential, we will have conservatives who disapprove of Big Govt making rulings.
Not all of the Constitutional Restorationist judges hate Big Govt, of course.
Many of them are Ivy League, Neo-Nobility Elites.

And, like I said at the beginning, there is an argument that *States* can be draconian. Because you can always leave the State.
But many of them *do* love liberty and hate Big Govt.

Their rulings will set precedents.
And there is a GREAT argument to be made that when the State is locking you down and taking your business or eliminating your job, you have no resources to move, so this violates the federalism precepts that make States the laboratories of democracy.
At the very least, we are certainly in a better position to make these government overreaches temporary; and to establish higher legal thresholds to invoke these powers again, than we would be under Hillary-appointed judges.
Now, more than ever, it is important to re-elect Trump, and to make sure his Hard Conservative successor is elected POTUS.

No matter what else happens, 16 years of GOP control of the Office of the POTUS would get this nation back on track.

In so many ways.
And "16 years of GOP governance at the Federal Level" is actually a possible thing, with the way the MSM has beclowned itself, which is another thing we'll see more clearly as we review what we did wrong and what we did right after the emergency is over.
Which, I guess, is a 3rd major point I didn't even think of when I started this thread.
The MSM will try to cover for Democrats, but it will be impossible to hide the fact that they called Trump racist when he took actions that were clearly in the US' best interest, that they fought against us closing our borders when lives depended on it.
It will become common knowledge and understanding that Democrats tried to take money from workers and give it to their pet projects even at the height of the emergency. And that they delayed the help by almost a week for their petty maneuverings.
Of course, you could look at these same points with pessimism and come up with the opposite conclusion.
And, of course, the Best Case Scenario never happens.
The Enemies of Liberty never stops trying to enact their agenda, too.
But there's reason for hope.

The biggest reason for hope is simply that when faced with a potential emergency, people bought guns.

There is so much good news in that.
(although I may append other ideas to this later)
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