Trope that must die:

"The shy traumstised character just needs to be forced out of their comfort zone! Go behind their back, commit them to activities without their consent, gather a bunch of people to force them out! Anything to turn them 'normal' ..."

This causes more trauma.
So fucking sick of this disgusting trope.

Just admit you'd rather them suffer in silence or not exist at all. Admit that you'd rather a person live in complete fucking misery forever than to be bothered with the slightest inconvenience that comes with trauma.
Just fucking admit that you're a heartless motherfucker who only values human life if yhey have something to offer you.

You'll never understand the suffering we deal with.
A timely analogy:

What if social isolstion was "normal?"

What if people locked you the fuck up in your bedroom and said you're flawed for needing socialisation? What if you had to spend 50 years living like this COVID lockdown because pricks refused to listen to your needs?
CW: suicide

You'd fucking kill yourself eventually. So think for 5 goddamn motherfucking seconds before perpetuating the neglectful standard that traumatised people "just need to be forced to do as I want them to do."
And don't you DARE say "it's just fiction!"

Nothing is "just fiction" when it instills a toxic, harmful culture that REAL people emulate in the REAL world.
Let me add:

I do not give a single solitary fuck how """well-intentioned""" people sho do this are. They're violating your autonomy, they ignore you whenever you say what you *actually* need, they don't do s single goddamn thing to fucking learn. They just act, which hurts.
Muting this thread now, but please help me if possible

Thank you!
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