22/ When your cousin, your sister, your father, your wife is hooked up to a ventilator for two weeks, Trump is to blame. When these loved ones don’t make it, Trump is the blame. When the hospital bills come and you can’t pay them, that’s on Trump, too.
23/ No prom, no graduation, no Opening Day, no Easter egg hunt, no brunch with Mom on Mother’s Day, no sleepaway camp, no summer blockbuster, no fireworks on the Fourth of July, no backyard barbeque...
24/ ...no day trip to the city, no beach house rental, no pick-up basketball, no dancing at the club, no dating, no reunions, no weddings, no funerals.

Thanks, Trump!
25/ Channeling his anti-FDR, Trump uttered the six words that define who he's been his entire noxious life—that should be in the first paragraph of his obituary: “I don’t take responsibility at all.”

Ah, but ultimately, the choice of who takes responsibility is not his to make.
26/ We are going to lose a quarter of a million Americans—and that’s a conservative estimate. Whether he accepts the truth or not, it’s all Trump’s fault. All. Trump’s. Fault.
And we shall never forget, never forgive, and never yield in our quest for justice. We know who did this to us. And we will hold him to account.

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