It will be hard for me to look back on the defeat of Corbynism without rancour. Hard to forget that, when faced with a choice between Tory barbarism and the socialism that would literally be saving lives atm, senior liberal columnists invoked - instrumentalised - the Holocaust
I was never wildly enamoured of Corbyn's politics as a totality, but how often does that happen for anyone, with any party leader? The grassroots movement he inspired was historic, and confounded the political establishment - and the heartening thing is it's not going away
So many hacks *still* don't get why under-40s, facing a near future of catastrophic climate change, and a present of zero hours contracts, housing insecurity, debt and austerity, might have been radicalised by an obscure backbench MP who never wanted to be leader to begin with
Most pundits are the political equivalent of those forgotten 1940s film critics who called Casablanca 'tacky and boring' upon its release, or the one reviewer who thought The Great Gatsby was 'a bit flimsy'. History will remember them as listicle idiots, as comical footnotes
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