Coffee, couch and #TheLordOfTheRings extended trilogy is valuable use of annual leave.
Barely an hour into this and about a thousand absolutely deadly things have happened already. Strider has done a thousand deadly things since he showed up 15 mins ago.
A star is born....
Pippin in the Mines of Moria is me with a backpack in every fancy shop I've ever been in.
"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us".
11 hours of LOTR feels like a legit use of that time.
Apart from one measly supporting nom for McKellan, nobody was nominated for any acting Oscars for the entire LOTR trilogy. Who was most horrendously robbed? There only one correct answer.
I will never be ok watching this. Ever.
She's here. I love her. 💕
Does anyone kinda wish Galadriel had taken the ring and enslaved all the world? Hot.
I am super harsh on Boromir and have never forgiven him for trying to take the ring from Frodo. Am I a bitch?
Viggo 🖤
"Frodo: I'm going to Mordor alone
Sam: Course you are. And I'm going with you"
Sam is such a top friend! 😪👏
"Mornië utúlië ((darkness has come))
Believe and you will find your way
Mornië alantië ((darkness has fallen))
A promise lives within you now
A promise lives within you now"
Enya being extremely Enya here. Absolutely fine with me.
That's it for Fellowship. I'm off to the shop.
Two Towers time. This is, as we all know, the best of the three.
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