Section 377 was still on when I wrote the script for @loevfilm . It was on when we filmed it. We knew there is no way this gets to theatres. And I was always clear we would not accept a single cut from any censor body.
And without a censor certificate, we knew we could never ever could pursue any theatrical release in India.
We also did not want to play the sham game of applying, being given some predictably absurd ruling, then make a press spectacle with that ruling, only to ultimately accept the ruling and put out our film.
While several theatrical deals were struck for the film internationally, we ultimately went with a worldwide exclusive deal on @netflix and it was made directly with the LA office. The India office hadn’t even been set up then.
Super thrilled with our decision and all the love we have gotten from around the world.

Wish more Indian critics had championed our move but this was in the early days where OTT films weren’t being reviewed. Glad that’s changed too :)
Thanks again for all the love and here’s hoping more filmmakers continue to take a chance on telling queer stories that push the boundaries and widen our idea of what love is ❤️❤️❤️
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