thread of dog breeds that were horribly mutated because humans , and perhaps YOU , thought they were fuckin cute when they're not
Alr so hopefully most of us know that dogs come from the wolf family which is why alot of them resemble and SHOULD resemble wolves not this fucking shit ??

This is a bull terrior before it was mutated, look how healthy it looks! now fookin look at ±
This ball of ??? ugliness ???

It literally has to holes in it's weird ass deformed head to breathe probably can't breathe properly , it's eyes are alwaye lookin up towards the sky , it's ears aren't supposed to stick up like that permenantly
Awwhh well what's wrong with a dachshund? everything.

Mf look at how it used to be do you think this mutated dog enjoys waddling around LIKE THAT? bro it can barely climb onto things it's body must be so heavy for it's tiny ass legs humans mutated for your enjoyment.
This is what a pug should look like not something that loojs like it's been hit in the face with a literal frying pan. You know that face it makes with the big oggly eyes that you find cute? yeah that's the pug struggling to breathe bc of how deformed it's nose is ±
± because once again humans mutated it bc it was "cuter" and "more appealing to the eye" and you know what? mutation with dogs like this still goes on today and i can name way more species (?) who have been mutated / are being mutated rn
If you're going ti mutate it (which you shouldn't) at least don't cause it to suffer for your enjoyment ???
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