A short thread on Matt Hancock

And before sniping at me: this is *not* about his health. I wish him well, just as I wish anyone who has #Coronavirus the very best

But something is not right. These are the questions that need answering
1️⃣ Why was Hancock back in public 6 days after a supposed positive test, rather than the 7 days NHS guidance says?

2️⃣ Why is UK guidance 7 days, and WHO guidance 14 days?
3️⃣ Did Hancock have a further test at the end of the quarantine period to confirm he is now virus free?

4️⃣ Were all the people he was in contact with while he was infected adequately tracked and tested?
And more widely:

5️⃣ We know Whitty and Cummings were self isolating having shown symptoms - do we know if they have been tested?
This is about *setting an example*

If the UK's Health Minister cannot follow the rules of what is supposed to happen here, what chance - medium term - that anyone is going to listen to him?

It's a matter of trust and credibility

P.S. Those saying that how quickly he recovered means he cannot have had it - don't go there. Different people react differently.

And were that the case and he now actually really got it... when we think people who had it recover quickly... he looks a complete chump.
P.P.S. This
And here is the guidance

Read and re-read that

If you have a temperature on Day 6, and not on Day 7, you are fine to go out
P.P.S. And of course there is no guidance from the NHS about how many days to isolate after a positive *TEST*... because they are generally not testing people unless they fall really ill.

So hell knows if what Hancock has done is right or not. But it's one mighty mess.
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