By all means keep going.

1. South Korea had tested 140,000 people after 1 month of their outbreak.
Ireland had tested 30,213 after 1 month of our outbreak.

Control that by their population difference 10.52x

Ireland at comparative stages were at 317,840 tests. vs SK 140,000.
If you're using 10,000 S. Korea tests a day vs Ireland's 1500 tests a day, as some sort of evidence we didn't test enough, maybe learn some basic logic and concept of size.

Ted: "Ok. One last time. These are small but the ones out there are far away"


Far awayyyyy.
"Expose a population" to what?

Italy banned flights from China early on. They still ended up in disaster.

Banning a couple hundred Italians does *fuck all* when Europe was already riddled with asymptomatic infected carriers.
One of the 1st clusters in France was started by a British tourist.

Guy was coming home from holiday in Singapore and infected a dozen people before flying on to London.

A virus doesn't care if you ban a flight from one place. It'll get a different flight from somewhere else.
I'm sure your next talking point is Cheltenham. There's been no evidence that Cheltenham has been the root of widespread clusters. Everyone returning was implored to self-isolate and thankfully most seemed to have done it.

Alternative being what? Revoke their passports?

Far away.
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