Alt-right Sikh twitter is tripping over themselves right now.

@Asha_MKS simply does an accounting of the Afghan Sikh communities opinions and survival tactics in Afghanistan and these kids out here thinking people are justifying the Taliban.

NOBODY is defending the Taliban.
The only people even trying to provide nuance to the relationship between Muslims (and it's various sects in Afghanistan), the Taliban and Sikhs is Afghan Sikhs themselves.

The issue is people want to project their own strange fantasies and politics onto them.
If their own words don't fit alt-right Sikh twitters narrative, then they're either ignored or deflected onto another target: as is the case with @Asha_MKS who is somehow misrepresenting issues or trying to defend/justify the Taliban.
Now, because they can't concede that they were wrong, it's just doubling down and making it seem as if there's a section on twitter defending the Taliban.

Absolutely not the case.

Afghan Sikhs have lived there for over 300 years, and to get them look at their own community
in the same narrow minded manner in which alt-right Sikh twitter sees it is just plain stupid.

Afghan Sikhs do have positive and lasting relationships with their Muslim neighbours. I'm sorry that this disturbs you.

According to @Asha_MKS work, they even employ muslims
and work with them often, in a friendly manner. They don't live in western suburbia where they can isolate themselves in silos and not interact with other communities. I'm sorry that alt-right Sikh twitter doesn't understand communal dynamics in Afghanistan.
Providing nuance and context to the Afghan situation doesn't equate to justifying and defending the Taliban.

I've been speaking to @Asha_MKS and asking her to provide me more testimony from Afghan Sikhs themselves. To elaborate on this issue of nuance, this is what one Afghan
Sikh said regarding Muhajideen prejudice:

"This mindset did not come from Afghanistan. It is not the Afghan way. It came from Pakistan, the people were struggling there. Afghans are our brothers, they were our brothers in our homeland, and they are still our brothers here. "
Afghan Sikhs have been there for over 300 years. They understand the nuances, politics and history of their own community better than some 20 some's living out in the west who only understand the Mughal relationship with Sikhs.
The lynch mob that came from @Asha_MKS is pathetic and disturbing.

All she's doing is giving them a voice. Because alt-right Sikh twitter can't fathom the context of those voices, they shoot the messenger.

I may not agree with how the Afghan Sikhs chose to survive, but,
I'm certainly not arrogant enough to project my privileged politics of how I think they should either. I live in Canada in relative comfort. I'm never going to have the Muhajideen, the Taliban and now ISIS breathing down my neck.
What I would like to see is more commentary from Afghan Sikhs themselves.

I've spoken to @Asha_MKS and @anandpur_exile (who is also working with the local Afghan Sikh community in the UK) to help provide that.

Let them be the champions of their own cause.
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