Hey, if you have Asthma, Coronavirus, or any condition that makes it difficult for you to breath... Here are some links to some videos you should check out (I'm not a medical professional but I have Asthma and E.I.B and it helps me. DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH BEFORE TRYING).
A thread:
Diaphragmatic breathing
Breathing exercises for COPD,Asthma, Bronchitis, and Emphysema
Wim Hof method of Breathing

It's one of my favs for training my lungs for singing and before meditation...
Be careful though, the first step is like hyperventilation so if you get asthma attacks really easily... I would be careful when you first start.
Huff cough maneuver

This one is good if you have a mucus in your chest/lungs. It helps with clearing everything out. Research this more to see everything it helps with. It's allegedly more effective than a regular cough and also less damaging/painful.
Last but not least,

There is a lot of information on breathing techniques, tools and breathing in general in this video. Give it a watch!
If I find more information or more videos I will add them to this thread. But please share if you feel it can help someone. Once again, before trying plleeaassee DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH on each method before trying. Feel free to add to this thread any tips or techniques you use!

Check with your healthcare provider before doing any of these exercises/techniques. I am not a healthcare professional. If you don't, do at your own risk. I am not responsible for anything that may happen to you after trying these.

Hope these all help! ✌🏾&💚
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