about once a year I remember Wikipedia's worst list: List Of Video Games Considered Artistic https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_video_games_considered_artistic

but what if it's NOT the worst list? What can we learn about these "video games considered artistic"? What if you want YOUR video game to be considered artistic?
Well, unfortunately you've left it a bit late: I'm sorry to say that the ideal release year for a Video Game to be Considered Artistic is 2016, or failing that 2012/2013.
But I guess release year isn't the only thing that matters about a game. How about team size? How many people should you get on board for your game to give it the best possible chance to be considered artistic? Honestly, the more people the better, so get hiring:
(This is especially important if you're a woman: going on the stats to date the only way for a woman on her own to make a video game that's considered artistic is for her to be Emily Short, which isn't an option available to most of us. So bulk that team up!)
We've also run the numbers on a few other key questions, like: how many guns should your video game have?

The answer, surprisingly: as few as you can get away with! Making a video game with *no* guns in it is obviously pretty difficult, but cut down on 'em as much as you can!
Next: should your game be fun? This one's another surprise - it's basically dealer's choice. Try to be fun, don't try, succeed, fail, it's up to you.

The only real danger area to watch out for is if you *don't* try to make your game fun, but it ends up being fun anyway.
Couple of remaining questions - what should you name your game? Obviously there's a lot more analysis to be done here around number of words, seriousness of tone etc but the topline results are:

Give your game a name that starts with G; failing that, B or P.
And finally, what should your game be about? What are the most Considered Art subjects for a Video Game? Well, I sure hope that team you hired a few steps ago is good at demons and/or trees growing in the shattered ruins of mysterious buildings!
anyway hope this all helped, make sure to thank me in your acceptance speeches
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