ok i wanted to wait until i'd caught up on pesterquest and hs^2 to say this but: i enjoy the currently updating (or recently finished, in pesterquest's case) homestuck media. however, i can definitely see why people don't, and i can recognize that in no way are they perfect
they're strikingly different from homestuck itself in terms of themes and the paths that the characters have taken and i understand that. my current opinion is that the only invalid people who don't like the epilogues/hs2/etc are the people who say it's because of-
the "sjw writers" or whatever the fuck. you know, the people complaining about trans characters, roxy's sprite, etc.

everyone else, as far as experiences i have seen, are valid in not liking the current content.
but i will repeat myself: i am not one of those people. the new media is really connecting with me in a lot of ways, and i'm really enjoying where everything is going.
i'm making this thread because i know that my follower base is roughly split between people who do and don't like the recent content. i've wanted to make this thread for a while but this is the first time i've been caught up on all homestuck media since the epilogues came out
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