Important: This afternoon walking my dog I saw a house on fire. There was SO MUCH BLACK SMOKE. you could see the frame of the house, most of the roof was already gone & some exterior wall gone. There were firefighters on the roof trying to bust it open to get water inside.
There were so many firefighters they were amazing. I’ve never seen a fire like that in real life and it was sobering to say the least. Flames that were visible from very far away. And literally this is a house just a few blocks away.
It was horrifying but what was scarier was knowing that with this stay at home order, it was likely the people who lived there were home inside the house during the fire. I was unable to see if they got out or if they’d been already taken by one of the many emergency vehicles
I thought of how horrible it would be to lose your home in a fire like that not just in general but now during this pandemic when likely that family is probably already struggling financially. I also worried about facing smoke inhalation in an already overwhelmed hospital system
It was likely that the family was home. It was likely if there were any children they were also inside. and all probably had lung damage now from smoke inhalation. It was scary and sad to think that this is the worst time to have this happen (not that there’s a good time) bc
of the strain on the hospitals and lack of medical supplies like ventilators and bc the lung damage will make them more susceptible to serious covid complications if they weren’t sick already. That family living just a few blocks away now doesn’t even have their home to stay in
We all are constantly complaining about being stuck inside our homes. But how lucky are we that we get to be stuck inside our homes? We get to have the feeling of comfort and safety and familiarity that comes with being in your home. This family doesn’t have that anymore.
It was so depressing to watch that house burn down and watch the efforts of the firefighters as they fought literally 30mph winds we had today to fight the out of control flames. The smoke was huge and engulfed the neighborhood for several blocks. It reminded me to be thankful
We should be thankful for our homes and for our families even though we are going stir crazy and maybe we get annoyed with our families and housemates. Because it’s easy to lose sight of how quickly we could lose it all.
Tonight on the news I found out about the family. A 60 year old woman has severe damage from smoke inhalation & severe burns and is in critical condition. A 7 year old boy is in the hospital in stable condition with smoke inhalation damage and severe burns also
I’m not one to usually pray, but I ask that those of you who do or even if you just share energy and love and light into the universe if you could direct your energy and your prayers to this family.
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