A Conspiracy Thread: The Paranormal Highway
I haven’t written any conspiracy threads in a while because we’ve basically been living in one. But quarantine is boring the shit out of me and I’m sure y’all are bored too, so I decided I’d write a thread on one of my favorite subjects, the Paranormal Highway.
The Paranormal Highway is a nickname UFO enthusiasts use to describe the 37th parallel. The stretch of land is notorious for its stories of flying saucers, strange creatures, and mysterious disappearances.
The Paranormal Highway is not the same thing as Extraterrestrial Highway, but ironically that too is on the 37th parallel. ET Highway is an actual road in south central Nevada. On the lonely road one can find the Black Mailbox, a postal container used to send letters to aliens.
The 37th parallel crosses through many native sacred sites and US landmarks. Some sacred sites include Cliff Palace, a village built into the side of a mountain, located in Colorado’s Mesa Verde National Park. It’s the largest cliff dwelling in North America.
Kentucky’s Mammoth Cave system is another notable sacred site. It was once used as a burial ground and is now known as a hot spot for alien sightings. Some say it’s an entrance to the underworld.
Paranormal investigators @nuekerk and @Weird_Dana created a great docuseries on the phenomenon happening in and around the caves. It details the eye witness accounts of locals and their own investigations.
The television show mainly focuses on the town of Hellier which contains one of the many entry points into the subterranean world. You can find Hellier on Amazon Prime.
Some of the US landmarks found on the 37th parallel include the White House, the Pentagon, and Fort Knox. It is a known fact that Fort Knox has underground tunnels beneath it and it is only 50 miles away from Mammoth Cave National Park. Perhaps there is a connection?
Los Alamos National Laboratory, birthplace of the atomic bomb, also sits on the 37th parallel. In 1948, mysterious green fireballs were seen in the skies above the surrounding desert. Some of them chased down planes, which needless to say, really worried government officials.
There are other top secret facilities on the Paranormal Highway. Places such as Area 51 and the underground base in Dulce, New Mexico. According to conspiracy theorists, deep beneath the earth, horrifying genetic research is being done there with the help of extraterrestrials.
Supposedly the base is connected to a nationwide network of underground tunnels. Underground tunnels and cave systems seem to be a reoccurring theme. Perhaps there is a whole world below our feet we aren’t even aware of. We’ve had massive tunnel digging machines for many years!
A couple hours north of Dulce is Denver Airport, another place rumored to contain miles and miles of subterranean tunnels. Some claim the location is an Illuminati doomsday bunker. The building is littered with Illuminati decor, including a zombie horse and talking gargoyle.
Also hugging the 37th parallel is Skinwalker Ranch, which has been called the most paranormal place on Earth. The property borders the Ute Indian Reservation in Utah and is so haunted even the US government funded an investigation looking into the anomalous nature of the land.
The original owner, a farmer, reported seeing UFOs, orbs, and shapeshifters. He moved after tiring of constantly finding his cattle mutilated. The ranch is currently owned by real estate tycoon @BrandonFugal who plans to continue the investigation of the supernatural occurrences.
Another documentary I recommend if you want to learn more is @JeremyCorbell’s Hunt for the Skinwalker. The documentary features legendary journalist @g_knapp who is credited with getting Bob Lazar’s Area 51 story out. Corbell has a documentary about Lazar as well.
Cattle mutilations are not exclusive to Skinwalker Ranch, they happen all along the 37th parallel. Records of the phenomenon go back to the 1600s but seem to pick up during the mystery airship wave of 1896. Reports reached a peak in the 1970s but continue to this day.
A small area in the hills of the Ozarks known as the “Devil's Promenade” also lies on the parallel. The area is famous for its “Spook Light” sightings. People from all over travel to there just to catch a glimpse. Encounters are quite common and date back to the Trail of Tears.
One of the weirdest UFO stories that took place on the highway comes from Burritt College in Tennessee. On June 1, 1853 many students reported seeing two objects in the sky that appeared to be growing and shrinking over and over again. One looked like a moon and the other a star.
The 37th parallel seems to be some sort of energy vortex. Coincidentally, some fringe theorists speculate the Hoover Dam, another place located on it, is a portal to another world. The dam has been called out as such in Hollywood movies and is covered in occult symbolism.
Another portal near the 37th parallel is 35 East Wacker. The building features some Kronos symbolism and is used by characters in Transformers 3 and The Invisibles for interdimensional travel. In The Matrix, Neo is down the street from it when he exits the simulated world.
So what is so special about the 37th parallel and the surrounding area? And why the number 37? There are 37 miracles in the Bible. Shakespeare wrote 37 plays. Maxim Makukov, a scientist from the Fesenkov Astrophysical Institute, says the number 37 is written all over our DNA.
So what do you think? Is there something special about this number or the land associated with it? Are there places on Earth where the fabric of space and time is a little torn? Would love to hear your thoughts. Thanks for reading!
You can follow @NickHintonn.
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