Over on Farcebook I've just had a semi-rant regarding Wetherspoons.

The previous posts were about "If 'Spoons collapses, where will their customers go!?!?!" full of woes and WHAT SOMEBODY THINK OF THE OLD BOYS?!!?!?

So here it is over here, me thinking of the old boys...
So where will the 'spoons regulars go? Maybe back to all those other pubs that are struggling for trade? There are pubs all over every city that "have seen better days", brewery estate pubs with public bars and lounges, and maybe a function room out the back...
...who now operate purely from the public bar, the lounge used as a store or for the occasional retirement party. The function room left to ruin. Pubs that used to have a thriving local community now desperately clinging on to what little trade they can get.

Perhaps the regulars at the 'spoons can go back to these lost and almost forgotten places where they can rediscover and reignite the community spirit, that thing that we go to pubs for, that thing that during this lockdown we realise we miss. That was there in the background...
Something that 'spoons tries so desperately for and never achieves, and perhaps this rejuvenation could bring thise pubs back from the brink of death.

The 'spoons regulars will find new places to drink, the old places.

Staff turnover is always high, and staff will soon...
...be absorbed into the old pubs to cater for the increase in trade.

Will I miss 'spoons?
Not really, no.
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