Today! I'm gonna teach you all what pedophilia really means and how not to be a hypocrite!
In this thread, at first it seems like shes defending the adult, but then she quickly says /that/. Which, the fuck? So I've decided to be a smartass, and teach everyone what pedophilia really means.
Pedophilia is sexual attraction towards children/PREpubescent children. Pedophilia is generally 13 years or younger.
I think the term she was looking for was "Ephebophilia" which is the sexual interesting in ages 15-19 years old.
However she was /not/ encouraging ephebophilia, seeing as not just do teens dress like that, but a /lot/ of young adults and adults in general dress like that. So she isn't encouraging it at all.
There's also studies showing you're born as a pedophile/hebephile/ephebophile and it's not a choice. She can't encourage something you're born with. She could encourage the urges, but is an adult wearing a crop top seriously gonna encourage people to molest minors?
No, an adult wearing a crop top or hugging a stuffie isn't gonna make someone go molest a child. So don't blame an adult dressing like an /adult/ for predators behaviors.
I would say more but a lot of people are close minded and will misinterpret me so I'm gonna keep it in. Anyways, I hope this helped you learn something new and will teach you guys to use the correct terms.
Pedophilia: 13 and under
Hebophilia: 11-14
Ephebophilia: 15-19
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