A better world is possible (thread)

We have been conditioned through years of primary, secondary, and (for some) college to think that the world is the way it is because "reality." We are taught how to think, how to feel, how to act in a dysfunctional society. 1/
We have been taught to hope for change and work with the dysfunctional society to see that dysfunction shift, but trying to eradicate the dysfunction altogether is relegated to speculative fiction and the highest echelons of theoretical academia. 2/
This cordoning off of alternatives into these two realms, speculative fiction and theory, was a strategic maneuver by people in power within the dysfunctional society to make the possibility of such alternatives seem otherworldly or elitist. 3/
When in actuality people have practiced these alternatives and were killed for it. It is not taught in the most widely available education spheres because the very system of education is confined to teaching the next generation to be custodians of this dysfunction. 4/
As custodians, we clean up the messes of the previous generation without every questioning the mess or who made the mess. We have been taught messes are inevitable. Without even realizing it, we perfect the mess-making by constantly making excuses for and cleaning up messes. 5/
And we are afraid to look too closely at the messes of this dysfunctional society because sometimes we realize we might have made the mess worse. We don't like the idea that we may have had a hand in any of the current messes. We don't like the idea that cleaning up messes 6/
On behalf of the dysfunctional society actually enabled more messes to be created. We feel defensive. We cling to groups of comfort and power. We consume mess-making products because we've backed ourselves into a corner and we don't know the way out. 7/
But we always have a choice. Those choices may suck at times, but it's not always a compromise. Just because you're giving up something, doesn't mean you're left empty. In fact, by rejecting the dysfunction and mess-making, you can actually see snippets and 8/
Experience moments that reconnect you to parts of the world, the people, and yourself that you might not have been aware were even a thing. Suddenly you've (re)gained something you didn't know was missing. 9/
Over time the dysfunctional society and its mess-making are far less appealing than all the things you've become a part of. 10/
Being a leftist or anarchist is not about destruction. The destruction is a result of refusing to continue to enable the mess-making. The dysfunctional society cannot maintain itself without custodians diligently working to insure it doesn't fall apart from all the mess. 11/
To be a radical in this context is to reject fatalism and embrace the power of people working together. It is a profoundly and genuinely loving act towards yourself and those around you. Leftism and anarchism suppose that life is inherently valuable incalculably. 12/12
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