Your hospital looks empty because nobody is going to let you inside to where people are actually sick. You can't see that our entire ORs are turned into ICU rooms. Or that our PACUs are ICU beds now. Or the children's hospital is admitting adult patients. You fucking idiot.
If y'all actually wanted your "citizen journalism" to make a difference, might I recommend interviewing actual hospital workers and how we not only need basic personal protective equipment, but now that shit is hitting the fan, we need MEDICINES as well? Talk about drug shortages
Or talk about how our cleaning staff deserve a living wage! They're the ones actually KILLING the fucking virus and making sure the rest of us don't get sick.
Or talk about the voices of healthcare workers being suppressed by hospital administration for even speaking out about the lack of basic equipment to keep ourselves safe! Or how some healthcare workers aren't even allowed to wear masks! Talk about that!
But instead you worms-for-brains dumbasses choose to focus on something so fucking stupid: "OMG THE HOSPITAL WAITING ROOMS ARE EMPTY" that you actually believe you cracked some conspiracy. Trifflin dirty stupid racist ass you big fat bitch oompa loompa body ass bitch
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