hey catra as dumb shit syd’s irls have said
vic: “i can’t wait until i’m 21 so i can drink. legally.”
el: “does earth go around the sun or does the sun go around earth?”

most of this thread is gonna be el btw
flor: “is it okay to be racist against your own color? like gay people?”
raine: “if you made drugs, could you get high while you were making them?”
gaby: “what’s wrong with putting a bag over your head?”
el: “if the guy takes birth control, does the girl have to?”
grey: “if i kill 40 people out of self defense i’m not spending one second in prison”
el: “can you kill 41?”
raine: “if you put ice cream on your head, could you get a brain freeze?”
syd: “the fat on my stomach looks like a six pack”
el: “what’s a rice cake? does it have real rice in it?”
gaby: “give me your feet”
kimi, randomly popping in the chat: “could you get baptized by a horse?”
vic: “i take viagra by the pound”
syd: “our president is a cheeto”
el: “meow”

for context my irl thought i said cheetah
any of us: “i’m not homophobic, i just think gay people are weird”
el: “thomas edison invented electricity!”
dot: “am i white?”
grey: “if you get hit by a truck, good for you!”
el: “since they keep tampons in the girls’ bathroom, do they keep condoms in the boys’ bathroom?”
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