Reporting tonight it’s clear that there are huge, huge fortunes being made now on the COVID Crisis. We keep hearing that states and cities are having to bid against each other to purchase lifesaving goods. But who are the counter parties? Those folks have a product ...
2/ in short supply and customers who are willing to pay anything because they need it to prevent residents of their states from dying. The US doing airlifts to bring supplies from abroad for private contractors is part of this. But only one part.
3/ It’s pretty clear the states know what is happening. But they can’t investigate or attack the people who have the product they need. So it’s implicit if you read between the lines but it’s not explicit. If you’ve got the right connections and access to trade networks and ...
4/ political power there are fortunes to be made starting bidding wars for products people are literally dying for. This is much uglier than I think most people imagine. And it’s being made possible by no clear federal response or a federal response which wants to ...
5/ leave disaster response to private sector markets.
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