I believe in human rights
Please remember that human rights are the coming together of a number of rights: constitutional rights as per the nation within which your citizenship is located, economic rights, health rights, the right to worship and religious freedom,
Freedom of conscience, civil and political rights perhaps the ultimate, the right to life. Rights are negotiated and decided upon based on culture, history and current reality. In these COVID-19 times we are being asked to examine which rights are critical to our survival.
Which of our own can we give up in this age of COVID-19 and this very real threat to health and wellbeing and consequently the right to life? Which rights can we give up to protect and retain the basic human rights? The right to worship, the right to movement, economic right?
These are important questions and an important conversation to have. Then again what of individual freedom in the face of the common good? Should the common good be sacrificed to ensure that all human beings experience the full extent of all their rights?
This question of rights is not just a legal one. It is one that cuts to the heart of a quality democracy. If we lived and operated as officers of the law then this wouldn't be complex it would be cut and dried. Simple. But we are not all officers of the law in this polity.
We are citizens negotiating complex realities, related to a number of issues that arise on a daily basis.
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