Sometimes if I’m feeling petty, when I get an annoying reply guy, I soft-block (ie “force unfollow”) them, go through their follow lists, and then make friends with all the good people they follow
next thing they know, they’re seeing more of me than ever before. even if they then block ME, they can’t shake me from their favorite people’s mentions and quote-tweets. I’m haunting *them* now
you can actually use a version of this playbook to crack into any community: no matter how tough, badass & ironic a bunch of dudes pretend to be, there’s always someone who’s hurting who needs a friend. & people will let go of “ironic” friends once they experience real friendship
if you make me go nuclear, I’ll make friends with your mom
I play a very long game here, I am consistent, I am patient, I will wait 5 years for your marriage to fail before I become best buds with your ex-wife & introduce her to all the other cool ladies who encourage her to pursue her dreams while you sit at home jerking off sadly
but also I am not vengeful or vindictive, i am happy to forgive almost anyone for almost anything, if they’re serious/genuine about it. Ask my wife, it drives her mad

her: no you can’t just forgive people who’ve done you wrong

me: haha power of friendship go brrr
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