I think chandraprakAsha dvivedin was as erudite a serial maker as we have had for this genre (caveat I've only watched these till 1990s). Only educated people might have gotten full depth of his presentations. He was trying truly recreate the nanda-mauryan age accurately. https://twitter.com/vvaayu/status/1245911692103450624
Unfortunately, I appeared that he was not given a free hand to telecast the whole thing or he ran out of funds to bring it to completion with same finesse with which he started. A few points that struck me:I'll only stick to early episode. For I did not get to see all: The use of
the yama and varuNa mantra from AV/RV to hint the death of the charioteer of nanda. 2) The introduction of people diverse vaidika shAkhA-s. e.g. scene when shaktAr goes to pay chaNDala for funeral the use of the taittirIya funerary mantra-s. shukla-yajurvedic chamakaprashna in
another scene; 3) The attempt to depict people riding without conventional saddles as in the mauryan age. 4) The attempt to make the Hindi sound more like a early apabhraMsha or prAkR^ita; 5) The precocious viShNugupta as vehicle to discuss arthashAstra sUtra-s. A fairly accurate
depiction of the Macedonian barbarian Alexander's battle tactics and interactions.There was also an attempt to bring in a sentiment of nationalism against invader & rebellion against internal adharmika tyrants which was viShNugupta's primary role. etc etc
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