Good evening! So an exciting night. I am learning that Hydroxychloroquine and Zithromax are working with #COVID19! Patients are improving with it. Nothing is 100% but it certainly is very encouraging. Lots of specific questions that are being asked, are still hard to answer.
This is still an off-label process for the time being. @CDCgov @NIH are setting the guidelines. Doses, Zinc/Vitamin C, length of treatment, end result of treatments, future are still being researched. The harder hit states will have a bigger N and with that results will follow.
Just so you know, I purge tweets from time to time, so I can make sure my remarks are current. I appreciate the kind thoughts, follows, & questions. I love the interaction and try to answer as much as I can but if I dont, its not personal. Continue to practice social distancing!
I have tremendous faith in @realDonaldTrump @VP @CDCgov @NIH @HHS_ASH and Dr(s) Fauci/Birx. I implore everyone to not make this political and support the idea that we as a country will heal from this. I am encouraged and continue to go to work proudly each day.
You can follow @disneydoc911.
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