It's amazing how much Twitter changes your POV. I was off Twitter for most of the day and I didn't once think the world was ending, the economy was crashing, our freedoms were gone or we were all going to die. Then, I made the mistake of checking my timeline. Get a grip people.
There are no bodies in the streets. I had to deal with traffic all day in a State that says it's under "shelter in place". I was able to do everything today thwt I was able to do in February. The sun rose, the wind blew, the world spun just like always.
There have been changes. People have lost jobs, temporarily. The economy is still functioning. There are still goods in the store. There is still gasoline at the pump. Construction is still going on. Roads are still being paved. People are still idiots on the roads.
Banks are not having runs on them. You don't need a wheelbarrow full of cash to buy bread. There are not soup lines on every corner. The buildings aren't being bombed into ruble. Roving gangs of cannibals aren't dragging people from their cars for supper.
There aren't armed roadblocks set up on the bridges out of town. There is no invading host of Invaders coming to your town. We are going through a difficult time not the end times. Have a little faith in God and this great country of ours. HE and we got this.
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