Was gonna do a long thread about my own experiences with #AutismAcceptance for #AutismAwarenessMonth but a whole lot happened today,

So instead, I'm just gonna ask,

Fellow autistic people,

What are some of the ways you stim?

Why do you do it?
I've always had a habit of rubbing silk tags together. Has to be the silk tags that are on some clothing items. The shiny ones.

Growing up I'd just... reach into the back of my shirt collar if it had the right kind of tag. Just fold it onto itself and rub it across itself.
I'd catch myself doing it unconsciously and I'd do it regularly enough that most of those kinds of tags would get so worn the printing would wear off and they'd start to fray

It was just a really pleasant sensation.

Still is, but it's different now that I understand why I do it
It's really hard to describe why but it just became a comforting sensation. A smooth glide paired with feeling something hold on my fingertips. Both moving and holding in place.

It's almost like a synesthesia of warmth, but for texture, if that makes sense.

Also, I love warm.
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