World War?

1) So let's talk George Soros. He is a henchman of the Cabal with over a Trillion dollars In his very deep pockets.

What has been his job?

To bring in the New World order by destroying countries through forced massed migration.

To put it simply he floods richer...
2)..advanced Western countries with millions of poor uneducated immigrants In order to break the social welfare system and overload the economy.

But that's just the nice part.

He also makes sure that the immigrants are culturally opposite to the country they migrate to.

3).. immediately polarises the country and puts it at war with itself.

He at the same time forces the Governments to favour the immigrants over the citizens which then causes resentment and hatred.

It's no coincidence that most of these migrants are deliberately brought in ...
4)..from war torn countries. Ready and hardened to bring hated. Ready to fight. Bred into violence and crime just to survive.

Literally the barbarians that destroyed Rome from within.

If you want examples of this you need look no further than the Somalis and South Americans..
5) the USA. Africans and Muslims in Australia. Muslims in Britain and Sweden. I could go on and on...

Most from countries at war.

Most given immediate welfare benifits like free money, health care, education and housing.

All done to spit In the faces of struggling citizens
6) create division.

Now we have a situation across the world where the forces of POTUS are attempting to remove the Elite Cabal that caused this mess.

Most will face execution if POTUS succeeds. So they have one option left.

Arm and set loose the migrant armies that ...
7)..number in the millions worldwide. Turn them on the citizens of the countries they live in. Give them the green light to burn the world and get revenge for their homelands.

Look at one example. The Muslim gangs In England. Do they look like they are trying to blend in?

Or ..
8)..take over the country.

I have said since January don't ever forget one important fact.

The Satanic Cabal believes this Virus is THEIR event.

It is supposed to be what they use to collapse the World economy so they can create enough chaos and destruction that we will beg...
9)..them to rescue us with the UN and rule us in peace with their New One World Order Government.

They will continue to force this apon us until they succeed or we exterminate them.

We succeed or we die.

POTUS is a good guy or we are all done for.

There is no in-between...
10)..There is no going back to how it was before this happened.

This is the moment the world changes forever.

Expect all the Deep State soldiers across the country and across the border to mobilize and attack us.

That's why POTUS wanted us armed.

We will all have to fight🐮đŸč
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