At the risk of sounding a videogame nerd, the Resident Evil 3 remake comes out at midnight. If you haven't played a Resident Evil game before, here are my tips:

1. Regular zombies are slow in more ways than one. No matter how many brains they eat, they never get any faster.
2. You can run circles around zombies unless you're in a tight corridor or a confined space.

3. Don't fart in a confined space while quarantining with loved ones. It may be silent, but it can still be violent. With zombies, let those who dealt it be the ones who smelt it.
4. Wait. #3 doesn't really apply to RE3, does it? Oh well. Just keep an eye on your O2 readers while chilling as you binge with the fam. Leave the room if you lower the boom!iI

5. I forget what other zombies are in RE3, but the Tyrant is a stalker. Stalkers suck monkeyballs!iI
6. But the thing with Tyrants is that they're just as dumb as regular zombies. They're just slightly more powerful & may have slightly more firepower. I'm not sure about the remake, but I heard they added a Plants vs. Zombies element to this one. Feel free to play around with it.
7. When dealing with a legitimate Tyrant, all you have to do is yell, "Sic semper T-Virus!iI" to get rid of it. One time, a guy shot Lincoln saying something similar, but the Tyrant is nothing like Abraham Lincoln. Tyrants are all ham without the Abra-cadabra. Pinata time, folks
8. I'm excited to play Resident Evil 3. I even heard some people got the game early and are free to play it whenever they get their hands on it. Must be nice.

Warning: My advice for the actual game may not be so great at fighting digital zombies. Still, it's a NICE THOUGHT IOI
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