Are y’all ready to sit with the fact that you have a high attrition rate — especially for Black people — because you are ridiculously antiblack?

Release the # the amount of Black people on your senior staff.

Release the TOTAL # of Black folks you’ve had since 1/2019.
Let's get into WHY y'all let me go in 1/2019. Let's go back to October of 2018.

My mother was found unconscious on her living room floor in Atlanta in October 2018. She had been there for 4 days. Had my brother not pleaded the rent office to open her door and she stayed there for 1 more day, she would have passed away.
I was at work at @GLOW when my sister called me and let me know what happened. I immediately told my manager and she immediately told me to go home and handle whatever was needed.

I left NY to head back to Atlanta that same day.
I was a social media coordinator (SMC) at the time. For those of you that are unfamiliar, SMCs are the people who run your favorite brand's social media accounts. Go click on the link in their tweet and go see all the TV shows and other platforms we managed.
That's important to this story because what that means is that MY ENTIRE JOB was online. Every single duty I was responsible for could be handled over google docs, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Zoom/Google Hangout. We'll return to this.
ANYWAY, I went home the next day. Every fucking day, I would wake up early enough to go to the hospital, I would talk to doctors, then I would sit in my mom's hospital room or in the hallway of the hospital & do all of my responsibilities. This went on for 3 weeks, give or take.
I probably missed two meetings and that was because they were scheduled during meetings with oncologists / doctors. I always let my manager know well ahead of time. If I knew her twitter, I would mention her goofy ass. But it's okay — I'll find it and I'll @ her ass.
I also called my manager almost every day to check-in. The only days we did not speak was when SHE would say it was not necessary. I would let her know all the tasks I was completing, all the things that I could not take on due to having to deal with various doctor meetings, etc.
Might I add — my mother had to be moved into a nursing home after being admitted into the hospital. It turns out that her apartment had been growing mold inside the walls/vents because of a flood incident from the apartment above, and that she had been inhaling it for months.
Inhaling this mold while also being on chemo was doing a number on her body. She finally collapsed and was on the ground for 4 days.

The doctors would not agree to sending her back to that apartment (and by no means did me and my sister want to send her back there).
So, we had to find a nursing home for her. I had to tend to hospital meetings and go around finding a nursing home ALL while still working full-time remotely.
Anyway, during my second week of being home, I received an email saying that ALL social media coordinators @GLOW would be experiencing a pay-cut because they felt that we were being overpaid by industry standards.

OVERPAID WHERE?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
I got on the phone with my manager the next day, and she says it won't be a noticeable paycut, especially because all social media coordinators had to work overtime, and we were being paid for overtime.

Now me — I'm not the best bitch at math, but bitch I DO know that 1+1 = 2.
WE WERE ALREADY BEING PAID OVERTIME. If I make 50k a year + overtime, and you're hitting me with a paycut and that I am now supposed to work overtime to get back to that 50k/a year, BITCH THAT'S STILL A PAYCUT. That's off the rip.

So, you're cheating me. All of us. Period.
ANYWAY, I return to NY about a week later, and my manager schedules a meeting with me.

During the meeting, she tells me that the company is not happy with the fact that I was gone for 3 weeks and because of this, they would be putting me on probation.
So you're telling me — after working full-time for the last 3 weeks remotely, dealing with my mother's near-death, trying to find her a nursing home and dealing with everything else that goes into meeting with doctors every day...
... Y'ALL are telling me that I am possibly going LOSE MY JOB?

At this point, I'm seeing red. I know for a fact this shit would not have happened to me if I wasn't Black. I know for a fact y'all would've exercised more compassion with all of the white women in the office if...
...they experienced the same. I know this for a fact because while this was happening, a white woman did experience a death and another one had to go on maternity leave. Neither of them were put on probation. I digress.
At this point, I'm in panic mode. Me & my sister take care of everything. We handle our mother's insurance, we pay out of pocket for things that aren't covered; we are her caregivers. I live in NY. I have my own high ass rent to pay; I have my own life to live.

I can't be w/o.
I decide the best thing for me to do is to come to work every day, make it known that I'm there, then separate myself by going to our second office-space down the hall and being alone.
I couldn't stand to look at my manager or the other 3 white women that I worked under for various projects because they all had to come to an agreement in order for it to be approved for me to be put on probation.

This is collusion, BITCH!
Between November and perhaps the first week of January, every week there was an issue between me and one of these managers. EVERY WEEK.
One manager completely re-arranged one of our client's editorial calendar, then the client contacted me frazzled that everything was out of whack. When I went back in and corrected everything, she reported ME to my direct manager for not "following her instructions."
One other manager asked me to do a ~very~ small task for another client. When that task took longer than expected (because what SHE asked for did not exist and I had to go in and create it), she reported me to my manager & said I "moved ineffectively for someone in my position."
These types of things would happen every week. Every time I had a meeting with my direct manager, she would have a new complaint about me from the heads of all my projects.

It became very clear they were building a case against me.
Eventually, I was let go in January 2019. I was already interviewing at other places so I was really only out of a job for a month and a half, but that's beside the point.

In the meeting where they let me go, the CEO asks "Are you surprised?" 😡
They got rid of me because I literally had no choice but to go home to take care of my mom. Even though I worked every day of those 3 weeks! EVERY DAY!

And for the remainder of that year, one of those managers would check my LinkedIn. For what?
One of the meetings with my manager after being told I was put on probation, she said "I — and others — noticed you're separating yourself from everyone in the office."

I responded that my anxiety was an all-time high because not only am I still dealing with stuff from home,
you also have effectively threatened to take my job away from me because I went home to take care of her." She responded that "my work was always good, and it was just protocol."

SO what is it, GLOW?????

OH, I forgot to add that when she reported this to my manager, ANOTHER MANAGER chimed in and said "you need to learn how to work smarter." To FIX a mess that someone else made???

Now I know for a fact these folks were not speaking to each other like this.
If you're Black, I do not recommend working at GLOW. When I worked there, there were 4 Black people there, including me. FOUR.

They fired 1 Black woman 2 or 3 months before me. So by 1/2019, they had TWO.

They are a deeply antiblack company that literally pushed me out.
You can follow @AsanniArmon.
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