the only real reason that people are homophobic is because we live in a heteronormative society. although the bible is rooted in the reason for this, christianity today isn’t the reason people are homophobic, it’s only an excuse for it. let me explain.
first let’s address this; society hasn’t always been heteronormative. in ancient greece, the norm for men was to be bisexual. in the iliad, which takes place during this time period, achilles and patroclus are depicted as having a romantic relationship. in addition-
their faith, greek mythology, had many deities and gods that were queer, specifically bisexual. art is a product of the time period it was created in. do you really think that people would be worshipping queer gods if being queer wasn’t the norm in their society?
in the renaissance time period, having a partner of the same sex was also societally accepted and normal. michelangelo was gay, and leonardo da vinci had male lovers. all of this information is accurate, you can google it. then conservative christians became more powerful.
america was founded by christians. even with separation of church and state, america was still founded on christian ideals. see, there’s this thing about white christians in the 1700s who have never experienced oppression. they have a very prominent sense of entitlement.
they believed that everyone should share their beliefs, and i can’t say it’s much different for many christians today. hence, society became heteronormative. when people have been raised to believe one thing their entire life, it’s very difficult to shake them of that belief.
humans are dumb. you may think that we as a species have overrided our animal instincts, but we haven’t. since gay people weren’t accepted at all, they were seen as different. they were seen as an “other.” humans don’t like when people are different from them.
this just stems from an evolutionary predatory thing. if someone isn’t like you, that means they’re the enemy. humans do this, and that’s perfectly illustrated by homophobia. however, it’s on a subconscious level, so our brains will try to find a way to justify it.
so let’s see. you’ve been raised in a society where gay people might not have even been a concept ever introduced to you. so when you find out about it later in life, you see them as different. you don’t like it. so how do you justify it? why not go back to the same flawed-
religious logic that was used a couple hundred years ago? hence, christianity being an excuse, not a reason. i don’t want to get too into it, but the bible being used as a reason against same sex marriage is a dumb argument in the first place. if you believe being gay is a sin,
that’s fine. you don’t have to be gay. why do you have to make sure that no one else is gay? they’re not hurting anyone. you don’t have to be everyone’s personal babysitter.
anyway, to make a final point: now that you understand where homophobia stems from, you have to understand that representation in mainstream entertainment is literally the most important factor in all of this. if children aren’t exposed to the concept of gay people existing-
from a young age, we’re just raising another generation of homophobes. the only way to normalize something is to make people familiar with it. gay people will never be accepted if you don’t see them. if you aren’t aware of them. so no, we’re not “shoving it down your throat.”
we’re introducing you to it so you don’t have to be such a bigoted dick.
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