It’s truly amazing that this woman can make literally every single thing a race issue.

It'd be funny if it wasn't real.

To use a popular phrase of the woke: "Let's unpack this."
Saira's not very shy about her feelings on white privilege.

Her life has been nothing but privelege, so she's good at spotting it:
- Law school grad: NY School of law, the 6th best law school in the country.
- Worked on wall street for an incredibly powerful firm.
- Moved to an exclusive neighborhood in Denver and decided to run for congress.
- Her husband is Chairman of the Board of the First NBC Bank Holding Co.
- His full CV is too long to put here, but his previous job was Managing Member and Chief Investment Officer of Celeridem Capital Management, LLC., which invests in financial technology companies.
- He's held several other high-level positions in the financial industry and sits on the boards of 2 other companies.
- Saira hates White people culturally appropriating things, but her husband manages a firm called "Pilgrims and Indians Capital, LLC" lol.
Saira said her adoration for "Hillary bordered on mania" in 2016.
That should tell you, she's pretty clueless.

Here's a few of her political flip flops.
Here's Saira's own self description in 2017:
"True confession: I'm a brown woman trapped in a white feminist’s identity. As if that’s not enough to make you want to overdose on the Indigo Girls & Lena Dunham, I didn’t realize it until Nov 9 2016, at the ripe middle age of 42.
Before then, I fancied myself a radical feminist who happened to attend private school K-12, join a sorority at Univ of VA, work at a white shoe law firm on Wall St, move to Greenwich CT before moving to even whiter Denver CO & the kicker — to a neighborhood called Country Club."
"My whole life I've benefitted from class privilege. My parents were doctors, which set me up for success in nearly every aspect of my life. I have been given access to the greatest education this country has to offer. I did nothing to earn this – "
"I simply was born to parents who were able to send me to terrific schools. This is dictionary definition of privilege. Everyone, regardless of race, gender, gender identification, sexual orientation, & ability to pay, should have access to the kind of education I’ve received.’
In 2018 during an interview with Ryan warner on CPR News, Ryan asked her if she wanted to elaborate on her statement that 'Non-white people can't be racist'.

Her answer was 'No'.

Great radio conversation there.
When Saira ran for Congress, she evoked Columbine in her anti gun platform, ignoring that both shooters obtained firearms/ammo illegally, & it was a failed bombing using the The Anarchist Cookbook.
She also failed to realize that convicted domestic abusers & the mentally ill can't purchase firearms.
In February of 2020, Saira started a program called "Race to Dinner" wherein Saira will come to your home (for the low fee of $2,500) to tell white women how racist they are.
Imagine thinking spending a large amount of money on a dramatic dinner party somehow addresses real world problems.
The money is simply exchanging hands among the 1%.
Wokeness is performative & some would rather sit at home making tweets about what a good person they are for
being "woke" or some shit than lift a finger to help disadvantaged people.

It's not race warfare, it's class warfare, and Saira is absolutely the antagonist in this story.
She even made Kobe Bryant's death into a race thing. Seriously.
I wonder if for one second Saira thought that her friend in the hospital was perhaps in poor taste to get political.

I suppose she's blinded by her own privilege to the point where she can't see that.

Either way, this game is tired.

End rant.
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