Its April 2. Texans have until tomorrow to pay rent in full. 1. No stimulus ✔ yet 2. ✔doesnt cover most people's rent let alone one's bills.
Water, electr, cars, insur, internet, ALL DUE.
So many Texans are fixing to be f**ked and no one cares.
I can't believe Trump saved Big Business but not us.
Suicide rates are fixing to sky rocket.
I cant even get asthma meds refilled bc I cant see a dr. I cant get them on the black market bc I'm not allowed to drive without getting pulled over and questioned.
This is not a Storm. This is a full culling of human population and we're sitting back like sheep to the slaughter.
Why are we allowing these people to live when they're slowly killing us, our kids, our animals? Why are we not storming Congress and literally
Throwing them down the steps?
And where is Q? There's hardly any posts. Updates? Encouragement? There's no arrests. No videos. No evidence. Nothing. I'm here with 3 kids, no school, no help, no hope.
But hey...let's make sure the CEOs of big business get their money and let's throw Miss Honey a $1200 check of her OWN money to pay her bills when her rent alone is $1400.
@realDonaldTrump I know you won't see this thread but I'm writing it anyways.
You had the ability to tell Americans what the Dems were trying to do in the Stimulus bill. But you didn't. You allowed us to get f**ked with no Federal mandate safeguards for evictions, car repossessions, insurance lapses etc.
If you think we're stressed now, wait for 3 weeks when landlords change the locks. The eviction courts may be closed, but landlords still have the right to lock us out of our homes. Banks still can repossess our cars. In TX, we can still go to jail for not having car insurance.
@GregAbbott_TX I'm sure you'll enjoy the Federal kickbacks from all of being on the welfare system or in jail.
People with depression who's lost the insurance are in for a world of hurt.
If this was The Storm, we would be protected but we're not. Someone help me understand
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