Everyone who’s seen Tiger King and is saying “free Joe Exotic” or whatever...have you completely missed the entire point of the show? That man is an ANIMAL ABUSER. Are you all really caught up in the quirkinesses of his persona that you’ve already forgotten that??
Also, to the other group of people that completely seemed to miss the entire point of the show. Who gives af about what Carol Baskin “allegedly” did. This show is about the mistreatment& abuse of animals and I literally have not seen a single person talking about that part of it.
I don’t care if this thread makes me sound annoying or not funny or whatever. It’s seriously frustrating to keep seeing everyone post memes about the fkin characters on the show when there are MUCH bigger issues to be discussed.
Also if you’ve ever paid to pet, play with, or interact with any type of baby exotic animal, you’re a complete and total moron.
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