If you don’t follow MMA closely you might not realize that Dana White has been aggressively pushing to host a UFC event in mid-April despite this pandemic
A lot of people support it
If you assume most people are being rational and smart about this, the UFC is proof you are wrong
Public health officials are begging people to stay away from each other. Fight fans don’t care
Fighters are pulling out of big money fights because of the pandemic. Fight fans are calling them cowards.
What are we doing here?
Scheduling MMA fights in the middle of a global pandemic is immoral. The only reason to do it is financial.
If Khabib is out, I’m not even sure there’s a financial reason.
The UFC may be trying to openly defy requests from public health officials to avoid meeting in public
NOBODY outside of hardcore MMA fans knows who Tony Ferguson is. Only reason to hold this fight is that Dana White promised he would and then blamed media
What media? ESPN has let him rant. The Athletic has done its job, but devoted-MMA-media is the only group talking about this
There is no reason to host a UFC event in April other than Dana’s ego. None.
End of story.
And frankly, if you’re a media member printing stories or encouraging fighters in interviews to call other fighters cowards, you know better.
Media members perpetuating those narratives are damaging the spot they cover.
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