I swear to god. Every single time.

People get trapped into supporting evil corporations. It's the reality of our economic model.

You can yell at the people who are trapped or you can try to meet everyone's needs and create justice.
People who show up in my mentions to lecture me about "no one needs to shop at Amazon" can fuck entirely off.

Your praxis sucks and so does your theory.
1. Amazon often has the lowest prices and the fastest shipping. Prime subscriptions can mean no shipping fees which matters if you're poor and can't get out much.

2. If you want folks to buy things from places other than Amazon, YOU do the work. Make sure it's faster & cheaper.
I understand what it means to have ONLY shitty options.

Do you understand what it means to berate people who only have shitty options instead of working to make better options for them?
Also this (above) is about comments on this (linked) https://twitter.com/EbThen/status/1245532927305420802
Literally got called "entitled" about Amazon so. I'm currently not feeling super great about humans.
"You don't really NEED that" says the person who refuses to use their imagination.
I'm just.

Like, I kind of think this is a Disabled thing although not even all Disabled people think like this, where they imagine situations they're not likely to ever be in but someone else might be and what that person might need realistically to... do things.
I mean you can't stop at imagining if you really want to understand or make something better, obviously. But it's a really good place to start when you're tempted to go "no one needs that".

Try to imagine someone who actually DOES need that.
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